Choosing the Ideal Color for Your Trim
Your home’s trim serves to emphasize different parts that make up the surface of the exterior of your house. Basically, the trim plays a huge role in your house’s overall appearance. Because of this, it is vital to choose the right color for the trim to balance the composition.

Fortunately for you, we are here to help. Here are a couple of tips that you can follow before hiring local painting contractors:
Bold, Yet Simple
Though you might be tempted to paint all surfaces in various colors, a lot of colors can prove to be overwhelming and flashy. You should stick to 3 or 4 colors for the totality of the exterior of your house. This is particularly true if you’ve got a bigger house. With bigger houses, a lot of color changes can affect its composition. It makes the overall appearance look weird rather than contiguous. You can get away with more accent colors with smaller houses. For instance, you should think about a house with shake shingles. The shakes can be individually painted with various colors to provide a smaller house a thrilling focal point.
The Old-School Look
When it comes to the shades and their color palette, almost every house follows a painting pattern. The primary color is quite light and a more neutral hue. The main elements are lighter and the secondary elements are bolder and darker compared to the primary color of the house. This old-school look sometimes proves to be perfect in creating a composition that’s attractive, balanced, and clear. Think about pale blue for the siding, white trim, and eggplant purple shutters. Also, you can choose a maroon door, light grey trim, and light yellow siding that really pops in the composition. There is a lot of room to get creative while following this old-school template.
Mix to Match
Though you might be tempted to match every single element of your house’s feature, a lot of professionals recommend mixing a little. Though it is fine to have a house with dark green shutters and green siding, it might prove overpowering if all elements of your house are green. You might instead choose off-white trim, green siding, and a firetruck red door that offsets the siding while serving as an elegant accent.
When choosing colors, you’ve got to think about the color theory and the color wheel. Opposites work well together. It offers a contrast that can balance the composition of your house. Houses sometimes have two opposing colors that balance one another. It also has a more neutral color. Also, you can utilize a color that is similar to, yet a couple of shades different from another hue in your exterior painting palette. For instance, you can use navy blue window shutter accents with a robin’s egg blue feature.
You can collect a couple of paint swatches by visiting a paint store or a hardware store. This will be extremely useful if you are tossing around a couple of concepts in your head. You can use these swatches to compare every color.