Telltale Signs Your Child Has Bad Eyesight
When you fail in determining if your child has eyesight problems, going to a trusted pediatric optometrist, and providing the necessary help for your kid, eyesight problems can worsen and may have a great impact on your kid’s performance inside and outside the classroom and home. Therefore, it is significant to identify the telltale signs of poor eyesight in your children. They may need to wear eyeglasses to correct their vision.

The following are reasons why your child needs to wear eyeglasses:
It strengthens the vision especially when your kid has a weak or amblyopic eye (also known as lazy eye/s);
- It provides protection if they have poor vision in one or both eyes;
- It improves vision, in general; and
- It improves the position of the eyes (if the child has squinting eyes).
Of course, before using eyeglasses, there needs to have symptoms that prove your kid has vision or eye problems. Using eyeglasses on healthy eyes can harm the eyes. The following are the signs that your child needs eyeglasses:
1. when the child tilts or covers one eye – the child will attempt to cover one eye or tilt his/her head in order to adjust the visual angle. They do this to increase clarity. This behavior is a sign that the child’s eyes are not aligned and an indication of amblyopia. Amblyopia is a common eye disorder among children, so have your kid examined by a professional for an accurate diagnosis.
2. when the child oftentimes squints his/her eyes – squinting is an indication of a refractive error. This error affects negatively how the eyes focus on a certain image, and the child squints in an attempt to temporarily correct his/her eyesight and see clearly.
3. when the child rubs his/her eyes excessively – this behavior is a good indication that the child may be experiencing eye strain or eye fatigue. While this can be caused by allergic conjunctivitis, this can also be caused by many types of vision conditions or problems. It is important to seek the help of a professional.
4. when the child puts the screen too close to him/her – holding some devices/reading materials too close to the face or eyes is a possible indication of poor vision specifically myopia. Myopia or commonly known as nearsightedness is a vision condition where the patient is unable to see distant images, and therefore they bring the object near them for clearer vision.
5. when the child complaints about having eye pain or frequent headaches – eye pain and frequent headaches are caused by eye strain and eye fatigue. Eye strain happens because the child’s eyes exert much muscle effort to focus on images and objects in everyday interaction to compensate for a blurred vision. This is strenuous to the eyes and leads to pain and headaches.
6. when the child has difficulty in concentration – vision conditions make it difficult for the child to focus on certain visual stimuli, and this makes them have poor concentration in school.
There are many things that are at stake when you do not correct your child’s poor eyesight. Have them examined and corrected as soon as possible.